Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Topic: We Must Speak English All The Time or Not

I think we have to know where we are. If you're in a situation. which we have to speak English so we must do. For example: we go to England. English is the national language of England. Everyone speaks English there. If we want to speak to other people, we must to do it in English.

There are some situation that even in countries that use English as their main language, people don't speak English all the time. For example: Muslims of UK in mosque. Mosque there is not only for pray. Muslims sometimes use it for school, a place to meet other muslims  etc.If they were a couple of people from indonesia there, they prepare to use Indonesian language.

We can't speak English all the time in Indonesia too. We have Indonesian language as our main language. Not all Indonesian can speak English. I know English is an exclusive language anymore but we have to know when and where we have to speak English. For example: when we guide a tourist travelling we have to speak English all the time but when we're in Indonesian language's class we have to speak Indonesian language.

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